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09 Famous Hindu Wedding Rituals That You Need To Know

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. There are many important Hindu wedding rituals that a couple must go through before they are considered man and wife.

These 15 famous Hindu wedding rituals may be different from what most Westerners think of when it comes to marriage, but after reading this article, you will have a better understanding of how Hindus celebrate their marriages.

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Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in India and has a rich history. The wedding process starts with “Swayamvar”, which is where the bride-to-be chooses her groom without any help from her parents or family. After that, comes “Phera” or “Kanya Daan” where the bride’s family presents her to the groom on a mat as they walk around each other five times while chanting verses from holy texts.

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Hindu weddings are a big deal in India and they have some rituals that are very interesting.

1) The bride is traditionally dressed in red.

2) In Hinduism, the family’s Gotra (clan lineage), Janma Nakshatra (birth star), and Kula Samskara (family traditions) are all taken into consideration during wedding planning.

3) A yellow thread is tied around the couple’s wrists to facilitate marital bliss and impart longevity.

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4) In Hinduism, there is no concept of divorce or separation of any kind and marriage is considered to be a sacrament.

5) For a wedding, it’s customary for the groom’s parents to give a dowry or “kanya dhan” as it’s called in Hindi to the bride’s family.

6) Then, after sunset, guests will spill water from copper vessels over both sets of parents to bless them with fertility so their children will be as plentiful as the stars . above.

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7) In Hindu weddings, it’s common for the bride and groom to exchange garlands.

8) Turmeric is used in different ways during the wedding ceremony: it can be applied to the forehead of a bride as a sign of purity, on the foot of a child that will be baptized as a mark of acceptance into the family and on an auspicious yoni.

9) The third day of the wedding ceremony is called chhoti aashu. On this day, the bride and groom complete their seven days of purification.

Read More:- 10 Tips For Handling Wedding Day Stress!

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