Wedding Eventwala

Best Wedding Planner in Bihar

Started by Himanshu Singh, Wedding Eventwala, based out of Fort helps you choose your venue, organises your sangeet, puts you in touch with the caterer, and even helps you up the ante when it comes to your wedding theme. In addition, they help provide security to ensure no gatecrashers arrive and even help you choose your honeymoon destination.

Specialties: Design and decor arrangements for sangeet, mehendi and the main wedding event, guest accommodation, unique gifting options, and honeymoon planning.

Signature Aesthetic: Bringing a fresh perspective to wedding design, event planning and management, merged with traditional wedding planning and etiquette.

Price: The base price is INR 3 lakh upwards.

Between fairy tale romance, happy endings, and over a dozen wedding planners in Patna, Wedding Eventwala is the one-stop destination to celebrate all things. Perfection, commitment, and trust, built on promises made with representation that thrives on success and customer satisfaction, remain the cornerstone of our efficient delivery. And here’s the good news – your work is over once you arrive at our doorstep. Because the responsibility of all your work is now ours, then you are worried.

With a repertoire that boasts of many successful events, we offer expertise in all areas of wedding event management, including wedding venues, decorations, wedding themes, wedding invitations, artist management, and entertainment. Along with our event management team of designers and experts.

Soaking up every joy a once-in-a-lifetime event has to offer, it is important not to overlook the importance of witnessing an event seamlessly. Every busy moment is a promise served to delight your tastebuds and counts the unexplored areas of an event that can truly be a life-enriching one.

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