Wedding Eventwala

10 Tips For Handling Wedding Day Stress!

Wedding day stress can be alleviated by taking some time to prepare yourself mentally and physically. By following these 10 tips, you can reduce your wedding day stress and enjoy the excitement of getting married.

Wedding day
Wedding day

1) Give yourself ample time to prepare for the big day – this means not letting your maids and the other vendors down by forgetting or being late, etc.

2) Arrive at all destination points on your wedding day with plenty of time to spare so that you don’t get stressed if there are any unexpected delays.

3) Plan ahead so that you know what is happening next – this will help eliminate any unnecessary surprises or confusion on the big day.

4) Eat healthy food in moderation before the wedding – this will help reduce any worries about feeling bloated, heavy, or sluggish on your special occasion .

5) Stay away from heavy meals, alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes, etc., before you say “I Do” – these might make you feel tired , bloated, or sluggish on your special day.

Wedding Dance
Wedding Dance

6) Remove any jewelry before the big day – this will help prevent any unwanted accidents that might occur during the wedding and make for a more relaxing and comfortable experience for you.

7) Wear comfortable clothes so that you don’t have to worry about having to change into something else at the last minute, or worry about being uncomfortable if you have to dance the night away with your DJ or band .

8) Exercise on a regular basis so that you will feel more energetic and start your day from the scratch. Go for a walk in your garden and do some yoga and meditation for the mental peace.

Wedding Designer

9) Give yourself an overall timeline. This can be difficult if you have no idea how much time or money you have to work with, but it is a good idea regardless. It’s also important that whoever creates this timeline also knows your budget and deadlines so that they know what is doable within your constraints.

10) Use a timer to keep track of time allocated for each task    – for example, plan on spending two hours before the ceremony starts. Use some of that time for food, drinks and photos with friends and family, but don’t forget that there are other things that need attention, such as hair and makeup if needed!

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